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Strength in Beauty Fund

During these trying times, many companies have come together to help the community in so many ways. The mayor of Atlanta, Keisha Lance Bottoms, established the Strength in Beauty fund as part of Atlanta’s Cosmetology Relief Fund (CoRF). “This fund facilitates private philanthropic grants to the independent cosmetology workforce as a means of addressing the negative economic impact of the measures taken to control the novel COVID-19 virus in...the city of Atlanta.”

Even though beauty services are now open in Georgia, many have suffered a lot during the closing and are continuing to struggle while the public still continues to stay home and social distance. These services are the ones that make us feel good about ourselves and boost our confidence. These services are also, mostly, owned by families and rely on this as their sole source of income.

So if you are in the beauty industry, please look into this grant and if you love the beauty services you get, be sure to donate to this cause.

Eligible participants must meet the following criteria:

  • A resident of the city for at least the last six (6) months;

  • The individual works in the city of Atlanta or the individual’s business is located in the city of Atlanta;

  • Be part of the cosmetology industry includes: Cosmetologist, Nail Technician, Hair Designer, Esthetician, Cosmetology Instructor, Nail Tech Instructor, Hair Designer Instructor, Esthetician Instructor, Cosmetology Apprentice, Esthetician Apprentice, Hair Designer Apprentice, Nail Tech Apprentice, Barber, Barber Instructor, Barber Apprentice

  • Have a current cosmetology license issued by the State of GA;

  • Able to establish a loss of business and impact on the business as a result of the COVID-19 virus;

  • Demonstrate a financial need to meet immediate monetary needs, i.e. food, rent or mortgage, utilities, medical expenses, transportation costs, or other essential financial obligations, caused by the economic impact of COVID-19.

Find out how to donate and receive the fund at

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