#AerieREAL Model Iskra Lawrence Creates Docu-Series Promoting Body Positivity
Iskra Lawrence has become very active on social media about body positivity and her own struggles with body image and body shaming. In fact, Iskra responded to a cruel comment on a picture of her with this Instagram post.
This photo was posted last year and Lawrence still hasn't given up her advocacy efforts promoting body positivity. Through her partnership with Aerie she has committed herself to the no retouching (i.e. Photoshop) philosophy. For a model of her caliber, this is a huge step for women and young girls like Iskra who are not a size 0 but are beautiful regardless. I expect great things from the docu-series and from Lawrence in the future.

Photo from Instagram: @iskra
The docu-series is titled, 'The Mirror Challenge,' and is set to premeire on June 4. 'The Mirror Challenge' is available exclusively on Facebook Watch and will run one episode per week for five total weeks. These brief episodes feature personal anecdotes of individuals with body image issues and insecurities. In each episode, Iskra employs her 'mirror challenge' techniques to change people's perspective and promote confidence. Try it for youself; look in the mirror today and say 10 positive things about yourself, your body, and your appearance.
Don't miss 'The Mirror Challenge' with Iskra on Facebook Watch next week!